Friends of Maryhill Park: Next Meeting Tues 21st October/August Minutes

Next meeting Tues 21st October, 7pm, ASDA Summerston Community Room.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members. Apologies were read out and accepted.

Matters arising from the minutes of 25 March, 2014. There were no matters arising except as discussed in the Agenda subsequently. The minutes were approved.

AGM Business. AC reported that he has now moved out of the area and therefore wished to resign from the co-chairmanship. SH thanked AC for his dedication to the group over the past two years, and asked if there were any nominations for the post of co-chairman to replace him. NH was proposed and agreed to stand. There were no other nominations; his nomination was seconded and approved by acclamation, so NH will be the new co-chairman.

It was pointed out that this meeting was quorate, with 14 members, whether everyone on the mailing list is judged to be a member (about 43) or just those who have attended regularly (about 30), but we should revisit the Constitution and firm up the membership for such occasions. The Sunday volunteer corps members are also judged to be members of FOMP: it was decided that it was not necessary for the coordinators of the volunteers to hold formal positions on the committee. Information about the Constitution and related matters is contained in a leaflet from the Council, “Friends of Glasgow Parks: Guide and Information Pack” which will be made available on our website.

This led into a discussion on the relationship between the Council (Land and Environmental Services aka the Parks Dept) and the volunteers. It was pointed out that LES have the ultimate responsibility for the Park and the volunteers’ meet regularly with them to discuss the next steps in Park volunteer work – all members of the Friends group are informed of these meetings and invited to attend. We also get regular reports from LES, and hope they will send a representative to our meetings as often as possible (JP will contact them).

Report from Glasgow Life. CW said the Garscube Harriers were pleased with the running track, which has been lined recently. There is a possibility of a synthetic pitch being constructed in the middle of the track, if funds can be obtained. Some progress has been made on the tennis courts, whose nets will be kept up at least through September (no fixed date has been set for taking them down). He will check on getting the net winding apparatus fixed on the farthest net.

Summer Fair Report. This far exceeded our expectations, in that an estimated 800-1000 people attended, keeping the volunteer staff very busy indeed. The weather was sunny and hot, and many of the attractions were made free (bouncy castle, puppet making, face painting, live music, and tennis lessons) or very reasonably priced (hamburgers, home baking, soft drinks, used books). The aim was to draw in the Maryhill community and show them the Park, and it was realised. SS, the Treasurer, reported that we were helped to fund this with a £1000 development fund grant and a £200 grant from ASDA, and we grossed about £900 at the end (final numbers are not in yet). Since all the expenses have not yet been reimbursed, we do not yet know how much nett profit was made.

Volunteers Update. BC reported that the volunteer group will start again on September 7 with a walkabout to look at what has to be done and will construct a “wish list” to take to LES for approval. Notices will be circulated about the walkabout. There was a discussion about the techniques of beech hedge making, and a question about what is going to happen to the broken water fountain at the closed Crosbie St entrance. BC said that LES has said they will bring in a blacksmith to remove the broken railing and will fix up the base of the fountain and put a planter on top, into which something interesting can be planted.

Any Other Business. JD of OPAL (Open Air Laboratories) was introduced. She said she is initiating citizen surveys of the ecology of Glasgow parks, and handed out packs for surveying pond life (obviously we will need a different pack, as we do not have a permanent pond). Her group is based at the Science Centre and is part of the Glasgow City of Science initiative (;[email address removed]). In relation to this, we have had two bulb and seedling planting days with local schools. JP will compile the names of the schools which participated, and contact names, so JC can see if they would like to do a project with OPAL.

Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 21 October, 2014, at 7pm.

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