As you may have noticed, the volunteers recently spent some time pruning back overgrown shrubs, and clearing the area between Caldercuilt Road and the path. This has brought the area to a level where it is able to be planted with some new plants, to bring more colour and variety into this part of the Park.
The intention is to zone the area into different micro-habitats, reflecting the current planting and ground conditions.
In consultation with LES we need to choose plants, and come up with a planting scheme for this area. You can view a plan of the different habitat zones here, and a list of possible plants here. (A list of the plants with their common names, and links to more info can be found here)
Will there be indigenous plant species chosen or any species?
The plan is to plant a mix of plants, not necessarily native ; a priority is wildlife, and then things like aesthetics/maintenance etc. Do you have any particular preferences? If so, I am happy to feed your comments into the process, or you can be more involved if you wish 🙂