The region around the wetland area is being deliberately cultivated as a native wildflower meadow, creating a lovely habitat for bees, bugs, butterflies and other wildlife.
At the height of summer we counted at least 30 different plant/flower species, together with lots of bugs and butterflies (see below).
July 2019…
ragged robin red campion rough hawkbit selfheal soldier beetles on yarrow spear thistle sweet woodruff vetch white clover yarrow yellow oxeye yellow oxeye yellow rattle common knapweed common knapweed creeping thistle creeping thistle field scabious field scabious great masterwort great masterwort herb robert herb robert lady’s bedstraw lady’s bedstraw lesser stitchwort longhorn beetle longhorn beetle on hawkbit flower meadow cranesbill meadowsweet orange hawkweed orchid orchid oxeye daisies purple clover ragged robin
Some butterflies…
peacock and tortoiseshell …on scabious peacock butterflies on scabious small tortoiseshell painted lady
In winter…
Since we (deliberately) don’t routinely mow the wildflower meadow area, it can look a bit bleak in winter. But it is still a good habitat for feeding birds and hibernating insects. And it can still look pretty in the frost…